
Earthquake resistant architecture

In the small island of Nias (Indonesia) whereas the earthquake of 2004, many vernacular buildings are example how to make resistant structures aplying to traditional architecture. This show to us how to make use of specific materials like wood building this houses that can resist to earthquakes. The tecnique used and location have all adapted conditions to humid climate and hot. Since earthquake many buildings are being coonstruted in concrete not considering new disasters...only the older and traditional buildings were resistant to earthquakes. As i read :

«interesting are the foundations and the elevation with unique and complex arrangement of vertical and diagonal columns. If the buildings are well maintained they can last over generations and withstand even strong seismic shocks.» from Vienna University od Technology

There are various types of houses in island villages.
In north some are oval with roofs made of palm, and some windows in roof that provide the circulation of air. This can provide also the entrance of ligth in the house. There other windows around that also made ventilation. This buildings are elevated from the ground with strutural columns.

n center of Nias they have rectangular plans. Besides that, they have many decorations and ornamental art. The columns in front represent as a V.
«the influence of ecology and society on spatial relations and building will be most important concerning the continuation of this traditional building forms and techniques.» from Vienna University of Technology

This study case show us how it can support people after some catastrophic desasters.

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